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Speak Up Against Misleading Missouri Bill That Would Paralyze Undercover Investigations!



Urge your senator to oppose this bill today!

House Bill (H.B.) 1860—which could stop vital undercover work that exposes routine, often violent, and criminal abuse of animals in the factory-farming industry—has just been passed by the Missouri House of Representatives and will now be considered by the Senate. If it becomes law, the bill would make it a crime to record video of or photograph a farm without the farm owner’s consent. This legislation is a desperate attempt by agriculture industry giants to prevent consumers from learning the truth about the miserable lives and gruesome deaths of animals on factory farms.

Past undercover investigations of factory farms, such as those conducted by PETA, have revealed that pigs were beaten with metal gate rods and spraypainted in the face, that sadistic employees stomped on and hurled turkeys, that animals were sexually abused, that dairy farmers repeatedly kicked and electro-shocked cows who were in too much pain to stand up, and much, much more. Footage from investigations is crucial in helping prosecutors across the country enforce anti-cruelty statutes. This bill is designed to shroud factory farming in secrecy and shield criminals from accountability under the law.

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Bob Barker Addresses ‘Ag Gag’ Bill

Written by Jeff Mackey:

PETA pal and superhero-for-animals Bob Barker cites PETA’s vital work exposing animal mistreatment and neglect on factory farms in his letters urging Missouri state senators to oppose an “ag gag” bill—Senate Bill (S.B.) 695—requiring that abuse documented on farms be reported within 24 hours, effectively preventing investigators and whistleblowers from exposing routine cruelty to animals.

Don’t ‘Gag’ Investigators

The horrors revealed by PETA’s latest factory farm investigationshow how important it is that organizations and individuals not lose the ability to uncover cruelty to animals, especially when it’s carefully hidden from public view. These sorts of exposés require months of scrutiny to document how the abuse is habitual and systematic, rather than being mere isolated incidents, so the requirements of S.B. 695 would make investigators’ work virtually impossible.

As Bob—whose alma mater is Drury University in Springfield, Missouri—stated in his letter to state legislators, “Missouri lawmakers must realize that consumers are demanding better treatment of animals used for food, not for the agriculture industry to cover up illegal acts and penalize those who try to expose routine cruelty. Please show consumers that Missouri has nothing to hide by opposing S.B. 695.”

PETA is grateful to celebrities like Bob, Cloris Leachman, and Katherine Heigl for making the public aware of the dangers of “ag gag” legislation because the wealthy industrial-agriculture interests pushing these bills appear to be ensuring that they’ll wield influence behind the scenes by making large donations to lawmakers, as seen recently in Iowa and Utah.

How You Can Help Animals on Factory Farms

If you’re a Missouri resident, please join Bob Barker in asking your state senatorsto vote against this bill and to continue to allow people to expose blatant cruelty to animals.


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